APA Style

Rosenau, James N., Kruzel, Joseph.. (c1989.). Journeys through world politics : autobiographical reflections of thirty-four academic travelers . Lexington: Mass. Lexington Books.

Chicago Style

Rosenau, James N., Kruzel, Joseph.. Journeys through world politics : autobiographical reflections of thirty-four academic travelers. Lexington: Mass. Lexington Books, c1989.. Text.

MLA Style

Rosenau, James N., Kruzel, Joseph.. Journeys through world politics : autobiographical reflections of thirty-four academic travelers. Lexington: Mass. Lexington Books, c1989.. Text.

Turabian Style

Rosenau, James N., Kruzel, Joseph.. Journeys through world politics : autobiographical reflections of thirty-four academic travelers. Lexington: Mass. Lexington Books, c1989.. Print.